Vitamins for Drinkers: Essential Supplements To Take After Drinking

The initial search was limited to English-language documents published between January 1, 2015 and January 8, 2020. For the current report, database searches were rerun on September 14, 2020 to capture any articles published since the initial search date. The search of major health technology agencies was also updated to include documents published since January 2020. Each bottle or box will have a detailed label that lists all the vitamins and minerals in each supplement.

A 2022 review found sugar consumption had little association with painful periods. The link between obesity and NAFLD may also provide some answers as to why certain vitamins may be particularly beneficial for people with this disease. Researchers asked the participants to recall the types and quantities of foods they consumed in the 24 hours prior to the interview, from midnight to midnight.

What Essential Vitamins Do Drinkers Need?

It is known that eating requirement values can vary substantially because of several factors, which include genetic polymorphisms, obesity, total energy intake, exercise, and age [41,42,43,44,45,46,47]. This deficiency can lead to problems, such as slow wound healing, softening of the bones, skin problems, decreased blood clotting, and neurological damage. Therefore, doctors may recommend nutrient supplementation as part of an individual’s detoxification and recovery process. People who live with alcohol use disorder may develop a range of symptoms if they stop drinking suddenly. They may also experience vitamin deficiencies, as alcohol impairs the body’s ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients. Deficiency in vitamin B3, or niacin, is also common in heavy drinkers.

multivitamin for alcoholics

A U-shaped curve was also reported, in which the risk for type 2 diabetes was lower for small-volume drinkers than for nondrinkers, and the risk increased with increasing alcohol consumption [19]. Evidence for the health benefits of small amounts of alcohol consumption has remained controversial in recent years. Why Do I Sneeze When I Drink Alcohol? All-cause mortality increased with increasing alcohol consumption, and only zero drinks minimized harm to overall health outcomes [20]. Thus, there is no basis for recommending small amounts of alcohol consumption to extend life expectancy, and the most important management of ALD is abstinence from alcohol.

Are There Risks Associated with Mixing Alcohol and Supplements?

The final selection of full-text articles was based on the inclusion criteria presented in Table 1. I am 73, was diagnosed 5 years ago, started in my left foot and now has spread to both lower legs. Just wondering if there are any treatments that can arrest the spread, and could I have another condition, given the absence of pain. Some studies suggest that if you regularly take vitamin C, your colds might be shorter and milder, but that taking the vitamin when you are already sick doesn’t help.

  • Furthermore, when ethanol is oxidized by CYP2E1, it creates acetaldehyde, a highly reactive molecule that may contribute to ethanol’s toxicity [25].
  • The development of alcoholic fatty liver, AH, and cirrhosis is a result of longstanding nutritional deficiencies that require supplementation with appropriate amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients [86].
  • Supplementing with specific vitamins and minerals like thiamine, vitamin C, and magnesium can support your liver’s recovery and restore essential nutrients that AUD has depleted.
  • If you are vitamin A deficient, it is important that you take a supplement under the care of a physician, as high doses can lead to liver disease.

In addition, other studies have studied vitamin B status as well [55,56,57]. For example, Van der Gaag et al. [55] showed that type-dependent alcohol had no effect on vitamin B12, but a fall in folate with spirits consumption and an increase in vitamin B6 with all alcohol types were observed. In contrast, Laufer et al. [56] only showed an effect of ethanol on vitamin B12, with no effect on vitamin B9. However, in another study, Beulens et al. [57] showed that beer drinking raised vitamin B6 and appeared to reduce vitamin B12 levels while having no effect on vitamin B9 levels. However, further studies are required to clarify the relationship between alcohol consumption and the intake of vitamin B to be able to provide nutritional management strategies for chronic liver disease. Ethanol is empty calories, and prolonged alcohol consumption without adequate dietary intake produces a variety of nutritional disorders.

Nutritional Support for Alcoholic Liver Disease

Avoid multivitamins with high levels of retinol, listed as acetate or palmitate on the label. Calcium needs are especially high for teens, who need 1,300 milligrams a day, and for women over age 50 and men over age 70, who need 1,200 milligrams daily. A typical multivitamin may contain 200 to 300 milligrams along with some vitamin D. Separate calcium supplements might have 500 milligrams or 600 milligrams and might be combined with vitamin D as well. Certain prescription drugs can deplete the body of important minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Obstetricians and gynecologists recommend special prenatal multivitamin formulas designed to support healthy pregnancies.

In addition, Craig’s formal training and certifications provide him with the knowledge and skills to develop effective strategies and techniques for addiction recovery. The Stop Drinking Expert approach to alcohol addiction uses a unique combination of CBT techniques and NLP reframing. Craig’s qualifications are evident in his successful track record helping people quit drinking. Craig Beck is the author of several alcohol addiction books, such as “Alcohol Lied to Me” and “The Alcohol Illusion”. His website, , provides a comprehensive guide on how to quit drinking, including practical tips, strategies, and resources for recovery. When you’re in recovery from alcohol addiction, nutrition can play a major role in helping your system bounce back.

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